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Writer's pictureLaura Vogt

January 18, 2020

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

[An Instagram Post]

This kid. Wow, this kid.

I've been blown away by her strength, resolve, flexibility and unshakable sense of humor. And the seriously stunning bravery. The kid is courageous.

Hava was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes this week. And yes, there has been tears and fear (from all of us), but she's just braved it all with grace and perseverance.

I'm so thankful she's mine.

So, uh... What happened!?! She's been lethargic, moody, complaining of random aches the past month. Our diagnosis: too many late nights over Christmas and apparently this phenomenon of the "moody 7-year-old." It escalated to where on Saturday I took her to Urgent Care. Combined with the other random symptoms, her breathing became short. And well... wasn't good. She was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. They rushed us in an ambulance to the ICU and worked on stabilizing her glucose, ketones, and a bunch of other stuff.

Now: She's stabilized, and we're headed home! Ready for a crazy new adventure as we figure out this whole new world for her.

And--Hava is "Hava" again. All the laughing and silly and loving of life. Hava means "life" afterall.

Trust yourself about your kids. You know what's what.

We'd love prayers for wisdom as we figure out this whole new dynamic of our lives. And for patience as I know there will be moments of frustration and worry.

But we are all four (or five with baby) good and just happy to be headed home to hopefully all snuggle in the big bed.

Be thankful for you and yours.


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